Patch 1.13d pour Diablo II: Lord of Destruction

JudgeHype | 27/10/2011 à 20h46 - 23

Comme me le signalent très justement Bertrand et dieudivin, Blizzard vient de mettre en ligne le patch 1.13d pour Diablo II: Lord of Destruction ! Hé bien oui, le voilà qui débarque sans prévenir. Voici la liste des modifications apportées :

New Features
  • Ignoring players is now saved between sessions of the game. All ignores are now written out to disk (file: 'ignorelist'). This feature can be toggled by issuing the command '/ignorepersist'.
  • Users can now filter messages based on content by issuing the command '/filtermsg '. To unfilter content issue the command '/unfiltermsg '. (The maximum length of a filter pattern is 128 characters)
  • Users can now set their home channel by issuing a new chat command '/home ' while in the chat interface.
  • Users can return to their home channel at any time by issuing the command '/home' while in the chat interface.
Major Bugs
  • Fixed a known dupe method.
  • Fixed another issue where players were able to stack auras in an unintended way.
Minor Bugs
  • Fixed a bug where Mercenaries wouldn't have multiple auras active when they should have.
  • Fixed an issue where players could create games prefixed with color codes.
  • Potentially fixed an issue where players would be disconnected when watching the cinematics when in a game.
  • Fixed an issue where the game would crash when running in windowed mode with sound disabled and the game tried to play a cinematic. Chat Reminder provides a number of ways to manage in-game spam and communication from other players. Some of these commands are:
  • /options ignorepublic (/o igpub) : Ignores messages in public chat channels from anyone who isn't on your friends list.
  • /options unignorepublic (/o uigpub) : Reallows messages in public chat channels from anyone who isn't in your friends list.
  • /options ignoreprivate (/o igpriv) : While in private chat channels you will not receive messages from anyone who isn't in your friends list.
  • /options unignoreprivate (/o uigpriv) : Re-allows messages in private chat channels from anyone who isn't in your friends list.
  • /options ignorewhispers (/o igw) : Ignore whispers from anyone who isn't in your friends list.
  • /options unignorewhispers (/o unigw) : Reallows whispers from all users.
Plus de 10 ans après la sortie de l'extension, Blizzard continue donc d'assurer le support du jeu. Chapeau !

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